In front of a monumental building costing 4 billion dollars, a painting of a dove of peace being released takes shape, forming a structure filled with the rhythm of light and shadow. The color palette is extremely minimalist, yet the spatial layers are remarkably distinct. The building serves both as a backdrop that highlights the crowd and as a visual focal point that impacts the senses of passersby.

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時空暗線 the dark line
仿效西班牙Tussols Basil Athletics Stadium田徑場旁休憩平台,以鏽蝕鋼筋格柵的高架鋪面取代原有車輛路徑,遊客可近距離觀察鋪面下方被保留的原始地貌,同時也拉開與生物棲地形塑喘息空間,伴隨兩旁感應式的間接光,使遊客沉浸在隧道內疊水逕流與光影交織。 Inspired by the resting platform next to the Tussols Basil Athletics Stadium in Spain, the original vehicle path is replaced with an elevated surface made of rusted steel grating. Visitors can closely observe the preserved original terrain beneath the surface, while also creating a breathing space away from the biological habitat. Accompanied by indirect lighting on both sides that responds to movement, visitors are immersed in the interplay of flowing water and light and shadow within the tunnel.
南華微光 ◼ 大武山脈下的幾何山水
『南華微光』 基地原址為南華國小,停辦後轉型為無人機專業操作訓練場與農創基地。設計團隊融入北大武山山脈稜線的起伏與霧氣沿山嵐草坡而下的記憶,重現在這片場域。 本篇色調上呈現較低飽和度,也是想藉此回應本次地景宛若潑墨山水般的詩意。 設計單位:一起設計Atelier Let’s+丁尺建築師事務所JR Architects 設計顧問:和光接物環境建築設計 結構設計:圓剛工程顧問有限公司 燈光設計:瓦豆WEDO Lighting 植栽設計:原生環境設計整合 施工單位:久騰營造有限公司 『南華微光』 基地原址為南華國小,停辦後轉型為無人機專業操作訓練場與農創基地。設計團隊融入北大武山山脈稜線的起伏與霧氣沿山嵐草坡而下的記憶,重現在這片場域。 本篇色調上呈現較低飽和度,也是想藉此回應本次地景宛若潑墨山水般的詩意。 The original site of the base was Nan Hua Elementary School, which was transformed into a professional drone operation training ground and an agricultural innovation base after its closure. The design team incorporated the undulating ridges of the Beidawu Mountain range and the memory of mist flowing down the grassy slopes, recreating this landscape. The color tone in this piece presents a lower saturation, aiming to respond to the poetic quality of the landscape, reminiscent of ink wash painting.
Paley Park
Paley Park 這個位於曼哈頓中城東53街於1967年蓋好的口袋公園,由Zion & Breen所設計建造。長型的空間由整面的人工瀑布和兩側爬著常春藤的石牆所構成。白色鑄鐵網椅,大理石圓桌和成排的樹木讓整個空間相當有禪意。
韋斯特姆水塔飯店Hotel IM Wasserturm Köln
Vila Ombak Hotel-Gili Island
吉利群島,當地陸上交通工具以馬車與自行車為主,島嶼本身不大,騎車環島一趟約40分鐘而已,來這的目的多半不外乎是浮潛、陽光浴和抽水煙,值得讚許的是就算小島本身資源匱乏且已成度假勝地,但街上佈景佈置與指標卻很難看到便品加工,仍保有許多手造的溫度。 The Gili Islands primarily use horse-drawn carriages and bicycles for local transportation. The islands themselves are not large, and it takes about 40 minutes to cycle around them. The main purposes for visiting are usually snorkeling, sunbathing, and smoking shisha. It is commendable that even though the small island has limited resources and has become a vacation destination, it is still difficult to find mass-produced items in the street decorations and signage, which retain a lot of handmade warmth.
嘉美館 Chiayi Art Museum
嘉義美術館,前身為菸酒公賣局嘉義分局,奠基於畫都&木都的人文及美術歷史之上轉型改建。將三棟舊建築-1936年菸酒公賣局(台南林百貨建築師 梅澤捨次郎)、1954年酒類倉庫及1980年菸酒成品倉庫連接而成。建材利用木構集成材搭配鋼構、玻璃帷幕、橫紋折線磚構築立面語彙,融合現代與和洋式風格。
千禧公園Millennium Park
一農 Yinon
「目標並不是一定要達到的,它通常只是努力的方向。」 萬商歸一農
樁森 Tsubakimori Komuna
樁森為在千葉市中心,與千葉公園隔著一條高架電車路網,為一袖珍型開放空間。樁森內宛若家院般的元素隨處可見,樹屋、吊床、帳篷以及錯落的座椅配置等,可隨著地上枕木的交錯引導至各處的小屋節點,也可踩踏著碎木塊及樹木皮鬆填材,隨興的找塊角落歇憩。 Tsang Sen is a miniature open space located in the center of Chiba City, separated from Chiba Park by an elevated tram network. Elements reminiscent of a home garden can be found throughout Tsang Sen, including tree houses, hammocks, tents, and scattered seating arrangements. Visitors can navigate through various small cabin nodes guided by the interspersed wooden sleepers on the ground, or they can step on the wood chips and loose tree bark filling materials to casually find a corner to rest.
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