麗思卡爾頓 Mandapa, A Ritz-Carlton Reserve
MANDAPA 為梵語中廟宇的意思,傳說將巨石劈開成兩半,就能形成一道阻擋惡魔進入的門,酒店大門也以此概念設計。酒店周圍環繞熱帶雨林、梯田和阿漾河(Ayung River)美景,由23棟一房泳池別墅、RESERVE二房泳池別墅、MANDAPA三房泳池別墅、25間RESERVE套房和10間MANDAPA套房組成,整體空間佈局順應當地天然地貌與型塑出細思極恐的爪哇文化。酒店由馬來西亞 DESIGNWILKS 事務所主持人 Jeffrey Wilkes所操刀設計。
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SUMIDA RIVER WALK連結淺草與晴空塔的步行路徑,特色是跟鐵道架橋共構,所以經過時不時會有著電車震動的共鳴。
The SUMIDA RIVER WALK connects Asakusa with the Tokyo Skytree, featuring a walking path that is integrated with the railway bridge, so you can occasionally feel the vibrations from passing trains. If you start from the Asakusa direction, you can easily walk towards the Skytree without needing to look at a map, and it is quite interesting to see the trains above and the boats flowing below as you walk on the bridge.
蝶舞澗 The Tale Of Butterfly
北谷公園『Kitaya Park』為東急集團、株式會社與日建設計所組團隊於2021年改造完成,配合近年東京都修改都市公園法, Park-PFI公募設置管理制度,賦予私人企業開發與經營權,換取公共空間的改善或公共建設的互利模式,尤其北谷公園這塊從原有法定容積2%上限值提高至12%,更對原有腹地不大的地塊成為一大助力。
北谷公園的另一大特色為地形的高低段位差,地塊設計利用花台與階梯的錯落保留了通透的視野,而視野最佳的位置則留給了目前外包經營的Blue Bottle。本案從前期開發整合到因應地形設計至最後運營管理皆全盤考慮,使北谷公園雖為口袋鄰里公園尺度,但軟硬體兼顧的全方位策略是極其成功的關鍵因素。
Kitaya Park was transformed in 2021 by a team from the Tokyu Group and Nikken Sekkei. This project aligns with recent amendments to Tokyo's Urban Park Law, which introduced the Park-PFI public offering management system, granting private enterprises the rights to develop and operate parks in exchange for improvements to public spaces or mutual benefits in public construction. Notably, the allowable floor area ratio for Kitaya Park was increased from the original statutory limit of 2% to 12%, providing significant support for the relatively small plot of land.
Another major feature of Kitaya Park is the variation in elevation across the terrain. The design of the site incorporates flower beds and staggered steps to maintain an open view, with the best vantage point reserved for the currently outsourced operator, Blue Bottle. The project considered everything from initial development integration to terrain-responsive design and final operational management, making Kitaya Park, despite its small neighborhood park scale, a highly successful example of a comprehensive strategy that balances both soft and hard elements.
嘉美館 Chiayi Art Museum
嘉義美術館,前身為菸酒公賣局嘉義分局,奠基於畫都&木都的人文及美術歷史之上轉型改建。將三棟舊建築-1936年菸酒公賣局(台南林百貨建築師 梅澤捨次郎)、1954年酒類倉庫及1980年菸酒成品倉庫連接而成。建材利用木構集成材搭配鋼構、玻璃帷幕、橫紋折線磚構築立面語彙,融合現代與和洋式風格。
有一群追隨者,叫做「安縵痴」(Aman Junkie)。
Aman Tokyo 座落在東京都金融區大手町的商辦建築群中,由已故奢華酒店設計大師Kerry Hill操刀,整體設計低調隱密,藏於樓高33F至38F之間,迎賓大廳採光引介天頂和紙文化工藝,伴隨暖黃色光暈灑落,配合壁面深色石材,充滿內斂與禪意。
There is an aesthetic known as Aman aesthetics;
There is a group of followers called "Aman Junkies."
Aman Tokyo is located in the financial district of Otemachi, Tokyo, within a complex of commercial buildings. It was designed by the late luxury hotel design master Kerry Hill. The overall design is understated and discreet, hidden between the 33rd and 38th floors. The lobby features natural light introduced through a skylight and incorporates traditional Japanese paper craft, accompanied by a warm yellow glow that falls softly, complemented by dark stone walls, exuding a sense of restraint and Zen.
古根漢美術館Guggenheim Museum
古根漢博物館位於紐約上東區,緊鄰中央公園,博物館由Frank Lloyd Wright 所設計。整體來說館內作品以個人收藏為主,單論作品及票價對一般遊客而言,或許MOMA會更為適合,古根漢吸引我的反而是藉由迴廊空間去閱讀遊客賞析作品與互動的表情。
明治神宮 Meiji Jingū
Meiji Shrine celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2020. When the shrine was constructed, the plan was to eventually create a fully biomimetic natural forest. The 70-hectare tree planting plan was designed to mimic the self-sustaining and self-renewing "natural regeneration" method of natural ecosystems. Through precise calculations of tree growth and decline, the desired forest landscape was created. In the initial phase, the dominant tree layer consisted of authoritative pine trees, and after several decades, cedar trees became the upper dominant layer. A century later, evergreen broadleaf trees such as chinquapin, oak, zelkova, camphor, and other species would take over. Trees suitable for Tokyo's terrain and climate were collected from various regions across the country, and at that time, tree species were also imported from Northeast China and Korea.
世貿中心站world trade center station
站體位在2001年發生911恐怖攻擊的世貿大樓舊址,由西班牙知名建築師Santiago Calatrava所設計,外觀像是一隻展翅高飛的鴿子,象徵浴火重生的曼哈頓,從恐怖攻擊的陰霾中重新燃起希望。
The station is located at the former site of the World Trade Center, where the 9/11 terrorist attacks occurred in 2001. Designed by the renowned Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, its exterior resembles a dove soaring high with its wings spread, symbolizing Manhattan's rebirth from the ashes, reigniting hope after the shadow of the terrorist attacks.