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做為世界金融中心,紐約也曾是美國的工業製造重鎮。1870年代,工業革命後美國開始流行鑄鐵建築,鋼梁大跨距的結構強度取代傳統木樑,藉由鋼樑創造出挑高無隔間的空間,正適合做為廠房倉儲之用,擁有船運地利之便的紐約便開始於沿岸發展出工業區。20世紀初紐約工業區逐漸落寞,取而代之汽車貨運工業興起,高架鐵道的機能逐漸被取代,並於80年代停駛,面臨被拆除的危機。之後發展由當地居民發起非營利性的組織 — Friends of the High Line(高線之友,FHL),在市民的推動下,決定保存這段工業史,改建成為全長約2.3公里的帶狀公園──由 James Corner Field Operations 規劃景觀,Diller Scofidio+Renfro 活化建築,Piet Oudolf 設計植栽。
SUMIDA RIVER WALK連結淺草與晴空塔的步行路徑,特色是跟鐵道架橋共構,所以經過時不時會有著電車震動的共鳴。 從淺草方向出發的話,可不用看導航輕易的將晴空塔當遠方標的行走,且在橋上伴隨著上方電車與下方川流的船舶行駛十分有趣。 The SUMIDA RIVER WALK connects Asakusa with the Tokyo Skytree, featuring a walking path that is integrated with the railway bridge, so you can occasionally feel the vibrations from passing trains. If you start from the Asakusa direction, you can easily walk towards the Skytree without needing to look at a map, and it is quite interesting to see the trains above and the boats flowing below as you walk on the bridge.
蘇麗峇厘Soori Bali
Soori Bali位在印尼峇里島的塔巴南海岸,前景藍海黑砂,後倚田野風光,由世界頂級酒店品牌Alila集團所經營。房型共有Beach Villa沙灘別墅、Ocean Villa海景別墅、Terrace Villa稻田景觀別墅以及三房別墅和十房別墅。 Soori Bali is located on the Tabanan coast of Bali, Indonesia, with a foreground of blue sea and black sand, and backed by scenic fields. It is operated by the world-renowned hotel brand Alila. The accommodation options include Beach Villas, Ocean Villas, Terrace Villas with rice field views, as well as three-bedroom and ten-bedroom villas.
Miyashita Park
OMO3 Asakusa by Hoshino Resorts
2024年安排了久違的旅行,也是一趟試水溫壓力測試。 本次下榻的旅店是星野集團旗下品牌的OMO3淺草,其特色是緊鄰淺草寺以及屋上餐廳與露臺,做為在緊湊的東京住宿選擇上,開放空間的有無與舒適度會是一直以來的首要考量,一個類起居的空間對於界定放鬆休憩與外出著裝上陣的拘謹何嘗不是一種奢求。 In 2024, I have planned a long-awaited trip, which will also serve as a test of my comfort and stress levels. The hotel I will be staying at is OMO3 Asakusa, a brand under the Hoshino Group. Its features include being located right next to Senso-ji Temple, as well as having a rooftop restaurant and terrace. When it comes to choosing accommodations in the compact city of Tokyo, the presence and comfort of open spaces have always been a top priority. A space that resembles a living area can indeed be a luxury, as it helps to define the boundaries between relaxation and the constraints of dressing up for outings.
ONE@TOKYO位在東京都押上站附近,由材料運用大師隈研吾所操刀設計,迎賓大門立面及露台機房外飾面皆以木構板材搭配不鏽鋼鐵件構成。旅店內充滿著角型元素所構成的設施,如迎賓大門刻意斜向形塑成三角形的風除室、一樓大廳家具、露台動線甚至是房間收納空間等,強烈展現建築師特有的風格。 ONE@TOKYO is located near Oshiage Station in Tokyo and is designed by master of material application Kengo Kuma. The entrance facade and the exterior of the terrace machinery room are constructed with wooden panels combined with stainless steel components. The hotel is filled with facilities composed of angular elements, such as the intentionally slanted triangular shape of the entrance vestibule, the furniture in the first-floor lobby, the flow of the terrace, and even the storage space in the rooms, all strongly showcasing the architect's unique style.
樁森 Tsubakimori Komuna
樁森為在千葉市中心,與千葉公園隔著一條高架電車路網,為一袖珍型開放空間。樁森內宛若家院般的元素隨處可見,樹屋、吊床、帳篷以及錯落的座椅配置等,可隨著地上枕木的交錯引導至各處的小屋節點,也可踩踏著碎木塊及樹木皮鬆填材,隨興的找塊角落歇憩。 Tsang Sen is a miniature open space located in the center of Chiba City, separated from Chiba Park by an elevated tram network. Elements reminiscent of a home garden can be found throughout Tsang Sen, including tree houses, hammocks, tents, and scattered seating arrangements. Visitors can navigate through various small cabin nodes guided by the interspersed wooden sleepers on the ground, or they can step on the wood chips and loose tree bark filling materials to casually find a corner to rest.
一農 Yinon
「目標並不是一定要達到的,它通常只是努力的方向。」 萬商歸一農
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