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世貿中心站world trade center station
站體位在2001年發生911恐怖攻擊的世貿大樓舊址,由西班牙知名建築師Santiago Calatrava所設計,外觀像是一隻展翅高飛的鴿子,象徵浴火重生的曼哈頓,從恐怖攻擊的陰霾中重新燃起希望。 The station is located at the former site of the World Trade Center, where the 9/11 terrorist attacks occurred in 2001. Designed by the renowned Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, its exterior resembles a dove soaring high with its wings spread, symbolizing Manhattan's rebirth from the ashes, reigniting hope after the shadow of the terrorist attacks.
科隆主教座堂Kölner Dom
科隆主教座堂,位於德國科隆的一座天主教主教座堂。157公尺高的鐘樓使得它成為德國第二(僅次於烏爾姆市的烏爾姆主教座堂)、世界第三高的教堂,另外也是世界上第三大的哥德式教堂(前兩位是塞維亞主教座堂和米蘭主教座堂),它以法國蘭斯主教堂和亞眠主教座堂為範本,是德國第一座完全按照法國哥特盛期樣式建造的教堂。 The Cologne Cathedral, located in Cologne, Germany, is a Roman Catholic cathedral. Its bell tower, standing at 157 meters high, makes it the second tallest church in Germany (after the Ulm Cathedral) and the third tallest in the world. Additionally, it is the third largest Gothic cathedral in the world, following the Seville Cathedral and the Milan Cathedral. It was modeled after the French cathedrals of Reims and Amiens and is the first church in Germany built entirely in the French High Gothic style.
位處曼哈頓島下城區的淚滴公園,為100%人造公園,基盤為填海造陸而成,四周環繞建築群樓。也鑑於此,設計師運用北端較高的地勢與脫離南端的建築,因而得以留設較大面的草坪空間,藉此將陽光引入。而南北之間隔著一道人工砌石牆,兼具收拾地勢高差與彰顯四季變換的表情。每塊石頭加工後依照設計線條於礦場試排模擬,最後再運至公園內按編號砌築。 Tear Drop Park, located in the Lower Manhattan area, is a 100% man-made park, built on land reclaimed from the sea, surrounded by a cluster of buildings. Given this context, the designer utilized the higher terrain at the northern end and the separation from the buildings at the southern end to create a larger lawn space, allowing sunlight to enter. A man-made stone wall separates the north and south, serving both to manage the elevation difference and to highlight the changing seasons. Each stone was processed and arranged according to design lines in a quarry for simulation, and then transported to the park to be constructed according to a numbering system.
SUMIDA RIVER WALK連結淺草與晴空塔的步行路徑,特色是跟鐵道架橋共構,所以經過時不時會有著電車震動的共鳴。 從淺草方向出發的話,可不用看導航輕易的將晴空塔當遠方標的行走,且在橋上伴隨著上方電車與下方川流的船舶行駛十分有趣。 The SUMIDA RIVER WALK connects Asakusa with the Tokyo Skytree, featuring a walking path that is integrated with the railway bridge, so you can occasionally feel the vibrations from passing trains. If you start from the Asakusa direction, you can easily walk towards the Skytree without needing to look at a map, and it is quite interesting to see the trains above and the boats flowing below as you walk on the bridge.
Vila Ombak Hotel-Gili Island
吉利群島,當地陸上交通工具以馬車與自行車為主,島嶼本身不大,騎車環島一趟約40分鐘而已,來這的目的多半不外乎是浮潛、陽光浴和抽水煙,值得讚許的是就算小島本身資源匱乏且已成度假勝地,但街上佈景佈置與指標卻很難看到便品加工,仍保有許多手造的溫度。 The Gili Islands primarily use horse-drawn carriages and bicycles for local transportation. The islands themselves are not large, and it takes about 40 minutes to cycle around them. The main purposes for visiting are usually snorkeling, sunbathing, and smoking shisha. It is commendable that even though the small island has limited resources and has become a vacation destination, it is still difficult to find mass-produced items in the street decorations and signage, which retain a lot of handmade warmth.
時空暗線 the dark line
仿效西班牙Tussols Basil Athletics Stadium田徑場旁休憩平台,以鏽蝕鋼筋格柵的高架鋪面取代原有車輛路徑,遊客可近距離觀察鋪面下方被保留的原始地貌,同時也拉開與生物棲地形塑喘息空間,伴隨兩旁感應式的間接光,使遊客沉浸在隧道內疊水逕流與光影交織。 Inspired by the resting platform next to the Tussols Basil Athletics Stadium in Spain, the original vehicle path is replaced with an elevated surface made of rusted steel grating. Visitors can closely observe the preserved original terrain beneath the surface, while also creating a breathing space away from the biological habitat. Accompanied by indirect lighting on both sides that responds to movement, visitors are immersed in the interplay of flowing water and light and shadow within the tunnel.
桂子山 Gueizih Hills
teamLab是創立於2001年的藝術團隊,由跨領域專業人士聚集而成,目標通過共同創作的行為融合藝術、科學、技術、設計、以及自然界。團隊成員包括藝術家、工程師、CG動畫師、數學家、建築師等。豐洲展館為2018年開幕,集結光影體感的藝術作品,本館更加入了水的互動元素,重置人的感官體驗,與作品融為一體。「Plants是為了讓人重新思考與世界的關係,盡力將每個作品做到極致,使人忘我地沉浸其中」-teamLab創辦人 豬子壽之 teamLab is an art collective founded in 2001, composed of professionals from various fields, aiming to integrate art, science, technology, design, and nature through collaborative creation. The team includes artists, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians, architects, and more. The Toyosu Pavilion, which opened in 2018, features art installations that combine light, shadow, and sensory experiences, and incorporates interactive water elements to reset human sensory experiences, merging the audience with the artwork. "Plants is designed to encourage people to rethink their relationship with the world, striving to perfect each piece so that one can immerse themselves and lose track of time," said teamLab founder Toshiyuki Inoko.
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