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桂子山 Gueizih Hills
麗思卡爾頓 Mandapa, A Ritz-Carlton Reserve
MANDAPA 為梵語中廟宇的意思,傳說將巨石劈開成兩半,就能形成一道阻擋惡魔進入的門,酒店大門也以此概念設計。酒店周圍環繞熱帶雨林、梯田和阿漾河(Ayung River)美景,由23棟一房泳池別墅、RESERVE二房泳池別墅、MANDAPA三房泳池別墅、25間RESERVE套房和10間MANDAPA套房組成,整體空間佈局順應當地天然地貌與型塑出細思極恐的爪哇文化。酒店由馬來西亞 DESIGNWILKS 事務所主持人 Jeffrey Wilkes所操刀設計。
蘇麗峇厘Soori Bali
Soori Bali位在印尼峇里島的塔巴南海岸,前景藍海黑砂,後倚田野風光,由世界頂級酒店品牌Alila集團所經營。房型共有Beach Villa沙灘別墅、Ocean Villa海景別墅、Terrace Villa稻田景觀別墅以及三房別墅和十房別墅。 Soori Bali is located on the Tabanan coast of Bali, Indonesia, with a foreground of blue sea and black sand, and backed by scenic fields. It is operated by the world-renowned hotel brand Alila. The accommodation options include Beach Villas, Ocean Villas, Terrace Villas with rice field views, as well as three-bedroom and ten-bedroom villas.
南華微光 ◼ 大武山脈下的幾何山水
『南華微光』 基地原址為南華國小,停辦後轉型為無人機專業操作訓練場與農創基地。設計團隊融入北大武山山脈稜線的起伏與霧氣沿山嵐草坡而下的記憶,重現在這片場域。 本篇色調上呈現較低飽和度,也是想藉此回應本次地景宛若潑墨山水般的詩意。 設計單位:一起設計Atelier Let’s+丁尺建築師事務所JR Architects 設計顧問:和光接物環境建築設計 結構設計:圓剛工程顧問有限公司 燈光設計:瓦豆WEDO Lighting 植栽設計:原生環境設計整合 施工單位:久騰營造有限公司 『南華微光』 基地原址為南華國小,停辦後轉型為無人機專業操作訓練場與農創基地。設計團隊融入北大武山山脈稜線的起伏與霧氣沿山嵐草坡而下的記憶,重現在這片場域。 本篇色調上呈現較低飽和度,也是想藉此回應本次地景宛若潑墨山水般的詩意。 The original site of the base was Nan Hua Elementary School, which was transformed into a professional drone operation training ground and an agricultural innovation base after its closure. The design team incorporated the undulating ridges of the Beidawu Mountain range and the memory of mist flowing down the grassy slopes, recreating this landscape. The color tone in this piece presents a lower saturation, aiming to respond to the poetic quality of the landscape, reminiscent of ink wash painting.
以「水之庭園」意象貫穿虹夕諾雅 谷關的庭院景觀,引天然山泉創造蜿蜒河道,疊水慢流的節奏使水面始終保持通透鏡亮,無論在池畔區、圖書室、餐廳及砌茶室等場所皆能與水親近,藉此感受靜謐恬適的空間與氛圍。 景觀 studio on site/建築 東環境建研所/燈光 ICE都市環境照明 The courtyard landscape of Hoshinoya in Guguan is infused with the imagery of a "Water Garden." It features natural mountain springs that create winding waterways, and the gentle flow of water maintains a clear and bright surface. Whether in the pond area, library, restaurant, or tea room, guests can be close to the water, allowing them to experience a tranquil and comfortable space and atmosphere. Landscape by studio on site / Architecture by Dong Environment Research Institute / Lighting by ICE Urban Environment Lighting.
帝國大廈Empire State Building
世界上第51高的摩天大樓,也是保持世界最高建築地位最久的摩天大樓(1931-1972年)。樓高381公尺、103層,於1951年增添的天線高62公尺,提高其總高度至443公尺,由Shreeve, Lamb, and Harmon建築公司設計,為裝飾風藝術建築,大樓於1930年動工,於1931年落成,建造過程僅410日,有著世上罕見的建造速度紀錄。
北谷公園『Kitaya Park』為東急集團、株式會社與日建設計所組團隊於2021年改造完成,配合近年東京都修改都市公園法, Park-PFI公募設置管理制度,賦予私人企業開發與經營權,換取公共空間的改善或公共建設的互利模式,尤其北谷公園這塊從原有法定容積2%上限值提高至12%,更對原有腹地不大的地塊成為一大助力。 北谷公園的另一大特色為地形的高低段位差,地塊設計利用花台與階梯的錯落保留了通透的視野,而視野最佳的位置則留給了目前外包經營的Blue Bottle。本案從前期開發整合到因應地形設計至最後運營管理皆全盤考慮,使北谷公園雖為口袋鄰里公園尺度,但軟硬體兼顧的全方位策略是極其成功的關鍵因素。 Kitaya Park was transformed in 2021 by a team from the Tokyu Group and Nikken Sekkei. This project aligns with recent amendments to Tokyo's Urban Park Law, which introduced the Park-PFI public offering management system, granting private enterprises the rights to develop and operate parks in exchange for improvements to public spaces or mutual benefits in public construction. Notably, the allowable floor area ratio for Kitaya Park was increased from the original statutory limit of 2% to 12%, providing significant support for the relatively small plot of land. Another major feature of Kitaya Park is the variation in elevation across the terrain. The design of the site incorporates flower beds and staggered steps to maintain an open view, with the best vantage point reserved for the currently outsourced operator, Blue Bottle. The project considered everything from initial development integration to terrain-responsive design and final operational management, making Kitaya Park, despite its small neighborhood park scale, a highly successful example of a comprehensive strategy that balances both soft and hard elements.
做為世界金融中心,紐約也曾是美國的工業製造重鎮。1870年代,工業革命後美國開始流行鑄鐵建築,鋼梁大跨距的結構強度取代傳統木樑,藉由鋼樑創造出挑高無隔間的空間,正適合做為廠房倉儲之用,擁有船運地利之便的紐約便開始於沿岸發展出工業區。20世紀初紐約工業區逐漸落寞,取而代之汽車貨運工業興起,高架鐵道的機能逐漸被取代,並於80年代停駛,面臨被拆除的危機。之後發展由當地居民發起非營利性的組織 — Friends of the High Line(高線之友,FHL),在市民的推動下,決定保存這段工業史,改建成為全長約2.3公里的帶狀公園──由 James Corner Field Operations 規劃景觀,Diller Scofidio+Renfro 活化建築,Piet Oudolf 設計植栽。
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