現在水樓的一至十八層是麗笙酒店(Radisson Hotel),而十九至八十一層則是住宅層。
湖岸東公園作為整體開發案核心處,四面環繞住商複合式大樓,所面臨的挑戰之一便是媒合新闢園區與既有三層街道系統中,同時營造出一個吸引視覺和對行人友好的社區。解決方案以複層動線將車輛與地面設施和建築入口錯開,改由三層街道系統的中層與下層出入。因此利用周邊多層次的街道網絡,在建築的中下層設有大型停車場,而最上層的湖岸東公園 (Lakeshore East Park) 構成了發展的核心。 Lakeshore East Park, as the core of the overall development project, is surrounded on all sides by mixed-use commercial and residential buildings. One of the challenges it faces is to integrate the newly developed park area with the existing three-tier street system while creating a visually appealing and pedestrian-friendly community. The solution involves a multi-level circulation design that separates vehicle access from ground-level facilities and building entrances, directing traffic to the middle and lower levels of the three-tier street system. As a result, a large parking facility is located on the mid and lower levels of the buildings, while the top level features Lakeshore East Park, which serves as the heart of the development.