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明治神宮 Meiji Jingū
明治神宮在2020年已邁入100周年,神宮建造時,計畫未來能成為完全的仿生自然林。70公頃的林木的種植計畫是仿造自然生態的自生自滅、自給自足「自然更新」法,經過精密計算樹木盛衰營造所要的林相景觀,初建期以代表權威的松樹群為主樹層,數十年後柏樹群成為上層主樹,接著百年後是常綠喬木闊葉樹,如椎樹、橡樹、櫧樹、楠樹、樟樹、櫟樹等,從全國各地募集這些適合東京地形氣候溫度等,當時還有從中國東北部朝鮮國等進口樹種。 Meiji Shrine celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2020. When the shrine was constructed, the plan was to eventually create a fully biomimetic natural forest. The 70-hectare tree planting plan was designed to mimic the self-sustaining and self-renewing "natural regeneration" method of natural ecosystems. Through precise calculations of tree growth and decline, the desired forest landscape was created. In the initial phase, the dominant tree layer consisted of authoritative pine trees, and after several decades, cedar trees became the upper dominant layer. A century later, evergreen broadleaf trees such as chinquapin, oak, zelkova, camphor, and other species would take over. Trees suitable for Tokyo's terrain and climate were collected from various regions across the country, and at that time, tree species were also imported from Northeast China and Korea.
360顧名思義就是有360度全景,位於約翰漢考克中心 94 樓的觀景台,設置可傾斜達30的玻璃瞭望平台,可從 1000 英尺的高度俯瞰市景。
一農 Yinon
「目標並不是一定要達到的,它通常只是努力的方向。」 萬商歸一農
以「水之庭園」意象貫穿虹夕諾雅 谷關的庭院景觀,引天然山泉創造蜿蜒河道,疊水慢流的節奏使水面始終保持通透鏡亮,無論在池畔區、圖書室、餐廳及砌茶室等場所皆能與水親近,藉此感受靜謐恬適的空間與氛圍。 景觀 studio on site/建築 東環境建研所/燈光 ICE都市環境照明 The courtyard landscape of Hoshinoya in Guguan is infused with the imagery of a "Water Garden." It features natural mountain springs that create winding waterways, and the gentle flow of water maintains a clear and bright surface. Whether in the pond area, library, restaurant, or tea room, guests can be close to the water, allowing them to experience a tranquil and comfortable space and atmosphere. Landscape by studio on site / Architecture by Dong Environment Research Institute / Lighting by ICE Urban Environment Lighting.
做為世界金融中心,紐約也曾是美國的工業製造重鎮。1870年代,工業革命後美國開始流行鑄鐵建築,鋼梁大跨距的結構強度取代傳統木樑,藉由鋼樑創造出挑高無隔間的空間,正適合做為廠房倉儲之用,擁有船運地利之便的紐約便開始於沿岸發展出工業區。20世紀初紐約工業區逐漸落寞,取而代之汽車貨運工業興起,高架鐵道的機能逐漸被取代,並於80年代停駛,面臨被拆除的危機。之後發展由當地居民發起非營利性的組織 — Friends of the High Line(高線之友,FHL),在市民的推動下,決定保存這段工業史,改建成為全長約2.3公里的帶狀公園──由 James Corner Field Operations 規劃景觀,Diller Scofidio+Renfro 活化建築,Piet Oudolf 設計植栽。
OMO3 Asakusa by Hoshino Resorts
2024年安排了久違的旅行,也是一趟試水溫壓力測試。 本次下榻的旅店是星野集團旗下品牌的OMO3淺草,其特色是緊鄰淺草寺以及屋上餐廳與露臺,做為在緊湊的東京住宿選擇上,開放空間的有無與舒適度會是一直以來的首要考量,一個類起居的空間對於界定放鬆休憩與外出著裝上陣的拘謹何嘗不是一種奢求。 In 2024, I have planned a long-awaited trip, which will also serve as a test of my comfort and stress levels. The hotel I will be staying at is OMO3 Asakusa, a brand under the Hoshino Group. Its features include being located right next to Senso-ji Temple, as well as having a rooftop restaurant and terrace. When it comes to choosing accommodations in the compact city of Tokyo, the presence and comfort of open spaces have always been a top priority. A space that resembles a living area can indeed be a luxury, as it helps to define the boundaries between relaxation and the constraints of dressing up for outings.
帝國大廈Empire State Building
世界上第51高的摩天大樓,也是保持世界最高建築地位最久的摩天大樓(1931-1972年)。樓高381公尺、103層,於1951年增添的天線高62公尺,提高其總高度至443公尺,由Shreeve, Lamb, and Harmon建築公司設計,為裝飾風藝術建築,大樓於1930年動工,於1931年落成,建造過程僅410日,有著世上罕見的建造速度紀錄。
湖岸東公園lake shore east park
湖岸東公園作為整體開發案核心處,四面環繞住商複合式大樓,所面臨的挑戰之一便是媒合新闢園區與既有三層街道系統中,同時營造出一個吸引視覺和對行人友好的社區。解決方案以複層動線將車輛與地面設施和建築入口錯開,改由三層街道系統的中層與下層出入。因此利用周邊多層次的街道網絡,在建築的中下層設有大型停車場,而最上層的湖岸東公園 (Lakeshore East Park) 構成了發展的核心。 Lakeshore East Park, as the core of the overall development project, is surrounded on all sides by mixed-use commercial and residential buildings. One of the challenges it faces is to integrate the newly developed park area with the existing three-tier street system while creating a visually appealing and pedestrian-friendly community. The solution involves a multi-level circulation design that separates vehicle access from ground-level facilities and building entrances, directing traffic to the middle and lower levels of the three-tier street system. As a result, a large parking facility is located on the mid and lower levels of the buildings, while the top level features Lakeshore East Park, which serves as the heart of the development.
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