有一種美學,稱為安縵美學; 有一群追隨者,叫做「安縵痴」(Aman Junkie)。 Aman Tokyo 座落在東京都金融區大手町的商辦建築群中,由已故奢華酒店設計大師Kerry Hill操刀,整體設計低調隱密,藏於樓高33F至38F之間,迎賓大廳採光引介天頂和紙文化工藝,伴隨暖黃色光暈灑落,配合壁面深色石材,充滿內斂與禪意。 There is an aesthetic known as Aman aesthetics; There is a group of followers called "Aman Junkies." Aman Tokyo is located in the financial district of Otemachi, Tokyo, within a complex of commercial buildings. It was designed by the late luxury hotel design master Kerry Hill. The overall design is understated and discreet, hidden between the 33rd and 38th floors. The lobby features natural light introduced through a skylight and incorporates traditional Japanese paper craft, accompanied by a warm yellow glow that falls softly, complemented by dark stone walls, exuding a sense of restraint and Zen.